Working groups
The European Forum has established four Working Groups of experts from member organisations to work on current issues relevant to its mission and activities.
The four Working Groups are:
- leads the editorial committee of the European Forum News journal
- covers all aspects of communication for accident insurance institutions
- administrates the European Forum homepage and keeps the brochures about the European Forum up to date
- responsible for a contact list of the members of the European Forum
- focuses on the digitalisation of administrative processes (e-government)
- develops adequate solutions for the members of the European Forum
- covers activities on projects and initiatives regarding digital accessibility
- deals as plattform for exchange of best practices in e-government
- deals with current legal and political issues at national and European level discussing cross border aspects of Social Accident Insurance Institutions, e.g. concerning the coordination of social security
- provides the (Enlarged) Bureau and the General Assembly with legal expertise and reports
- initiates European Forum declarations on matters of joint interest
- initiates and prepares hearingswith European experts
- deals with cross border aspects in case of accidents at work
Occupational diseases
- studies occupational diseases systems
- is responsible for publication of reports or studies regarding work-related diseases and their medical treatment
- deals as plattform for exchange of best practices and information about new developments
- coordinates research activities regarding occupational diseases
- founded for an exchange of information about statistics related to accidents at work and occupational diseases
- compares statistics about accidents at work, which the members of the European Forum have compiled
- could compare data regarding occupational diseases
- could deal with big data and data protection